What is Social Group A group is became social when interaction interplays among its participants. Social interaction is its basic condition. People walking in markets, in fairs, travelling in train are not social groups. Because social interaction among them does not exist. Two persons, in Amsterdam …
Accommodation means social adaption which take place in different ways. The following are the five forms of accommodation by which the rivalries are resolved and reduced in a society. Truce In this process, the rivalries are stopped for a defiĀnite or indefinite period while the issues …
Meaning of Accommodation The suspension of rivalry between the parties for temporary or permanent period is accommodation. In this process of accommodation, the issue may not be settled, but for the time being they terminate their rivalries activities and come to an agreement toward some joint …
Meaning of Conflict According to Fairchild, “Conflict in sociology is a process or situation in which two or more human beings or groups seek actively to threat each other’s purposes, to prevent each other’s interests, even to the extent of injuring or destroying the other”. It …
According to Maciver and Page, “The members of both groups are small or large and live together in such a way that they share, not this or that particular interest, but the basic conditions of a common life, this group is called community.” There are two …
Following are the characteristics of communities Urban and rural community is a group of people living together in an area fulfilling their needs by mutual cooperation. This group may be as small as a village, hamlet, basti, chak or a mohalla in a town or city. …
Following discussion shows the difference between rural and urban communities, which shows how rural and urban areas are not the same. Density of Population: The population in rural areas is spares. The people live in their own farms called “Farmstead Settlement. Even the villages and hamlets …
What is Urban Society An urban living is similar to having the facilities of modern social life. Social interaction is fast and formal. The rate of social change is faster due to education in, technology, industry and urbanization. A complex social life is found in which …
Rural Society Meaning Rural society which is sparsely populated with emphasis on agricultural professions. Simple culture with natural environment and informal social life are the conditions rural life. Homogeneity in professions, dress, language and customs of social life is usually found in such people. The rate …