Basis of Society There are three major factors, which form the basis of society. These are as under: 1. Biological Factor This factor emphasizes that the people are grouped and associated with each other due to biological needs. This factor is pleading for the importance of …
What is Society Individual is the basic component of society. The interaction of individuals with each other gives birth to group. The social groups interact with each other and develop relationships with each other, leads to a society. The players in football or other games came …
The socialization process can be understood from the following characteristics. The socialization process starts from birth and continues till death. It never stops however, the speed and nature of socialization is different at different stages of life. The socialization process converts “human being” into a “social …
Define Socialization Process When individual comes to the world and starts living in this society of human beings. He/she knows nothing about how to talk, eat, wear etc. according to the need of society. In this troublesome time period of childhood socialization process starts. This is …
What is Socialization in Sociology When a newly born baby comes to the world, he knows that what are happening in surrounding. An individual becomes a member of society when an individual interacts with other individuals. For living in society an individuals requires some specific methods …
What is Planned Social Change The term planned social change refers to the change in social setup; such change is already prepared, to bring positive change. For bringing planned social change positively, in any social setup or cultural trait change agent keeps different things in mind, …
Social Change and Social Problems Social change creates so many social problems in a functional society. The norms, values, customs, traditions, mores and law of the society get changes as the changes are occurring inside the society. It means that the society disturbed by external or …
Factors of Personality Enormously the following five factors of personality are contributing to the formation and development of human personality. Biological Factors Social Factors Cultural Factors Physical Environment Situational Factors 1. Biological Factors of Personality Biological factors of personality are very important for the formation of …