Socialization and Conformity
Socialization invariably brings a degree of conformity among the individuals and ultimately in society. The people brought up in the similar socio-cultural environment tend to develop similar habits, attitudes, interests and value systems and personality traits.
It should not be taken for granted that the same type of formal and informal socializations may produce same kind and degree of conformity among different individuals. There, are many factors, which promote uniqueness and individuality in the society. The most important of these factors of socialization and conformity are:
- There are no clear, standardized, and smooth methods of socialization, which may result in uniform socialization. There are chances of conflict in institutionalized patterns of human behaviour. Different agencies of socialization may infuse different values.
- There is every possibility that nor-conformity may be a value itself, which may be transmitted just like other values. For example, the professional criminals, or gang, may inculcate values of their own.
As discussed earlier, the socialization is completed and becomes perfect with the proper admixture of biological characteristics, socio-cultural environment and unique experiences. Thus, unique experiences are never shared by other persons. Further, the individuals may differ in intelligence, moods and temperaments and other biological characteristics. Again, a child learns what he is taught or acquires those parts of culture of non-Conformity.