Accommodation means social adaption which take place in different ways. The following are the five forms of accommodation by which the rivalries are resolved and reduced in a society.
In this process, the rivalries are stopped for a definite or indefinite period while the issues are not settled. It means the problem remains unsolved and the fighting parties stop their hostility for a fixed period or forever.
The truce of Hudaibiya held in 6th Hijra (628 A.C.) between Quraish of Makkah and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is a documentary example in this case. Suhail bin Amr represented the deputation of the Quraish. A part of the truce is given below:
“In Thy name, O’ God! This is the treaty of peace concluded by the Muhammad bin Abdullah (Peace be upon him) and Sohail bin Amr. They agreed to allow their arms to rest for ten years. During this period each party shall be secure, and neither shall injure the others; no secret damage shall be inflicted, but up rightness and honour prevail between us…..”
In this truce, the issues between the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) and the Quraish of Makkah remained unsolved. This truce proved a base for negotiations between the Muslims and the Quraish and led to victory of Makkah in the long run by the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him).
The parties in this process come to an agreement of granting certain concessions with respect to each other. In this field of common concession a mutual understanding is created in which the rivalries are subdued momentarily and the problem faced is taken jointly.
The Arab and some Muslim countries made a compromise with Israel. They patched tip their minor differences.
India and Pakistan opened their trade by compromise.
The Muslim refugees who migrated to Pakistan from India or from Pakistan to India on creation of Pakistan in 1947 made a compromise of customs, and rituals with the, local population. Both the local and the refugee population exchanged their customs and experiences by compromise and an accommodation was created.
The mill owners and their laborers when get into bad relations the issues are settled by compromise. Both the parties give certain concessions to each other and the strike goes off.
The students in colleges and universities boycott their classes demanding certain rights. The authorities of the educational institutions make a compromise with the student leaders and regular class work starts.
Temporary Sub Ordination
Super Ordination — either of the two parties seeks ‘upper hand’ in a certain conflict and this super-ordination of the dominant party is recognized by both sides. All wars in which the decision of defeat and victory was established get into this type of agreement. The defeated party admits the victory of its rival party. The winning party dictates the terms of agreement which has to be accepted by the defeated one The Versailles Treaty (Jan 18, 1919) contained terms of agreement for Germany which was defeated in World War-I (1914-18). Those terms were dictated by the Allied Powers of France, Britain, U.S.A. and others. Hitler rejected this treaty in 1935.
The conflict is resolved by the mediatory efforts of a third party. Accommodation by arbitration is very common in social life. Two parties indulging in conflicts are brought to peaceful relations by the third party. United Nations Organization (U.N.O.) performs the function, of arbitration among the societies engaged in conflicts. Similarly, friendly countries come in between the fighting countries and resolve the conflict by arbitration.
By toleration, we reduce tension and minimize conflict and differences in our social life. We ignore the tyranny of our rival and adopt the condition of non-conflict by tolerance. Tolerance is saving the world societies froth getting into World War, One society tolerate, the violation of its rules by another. Similarly, patience and tolerance play important role in keeping peace in the world.
Toleration is an important norm of all Muslim societies. We forgive so much interference of the rival and by adopting toleration continue to live in accommodation with the enemies. Tolerance of heavy torture and atrocities on the hands of Serbs by the Muslims of Bosnia and Chechnya and from India in held Kashmir by the Kashmiris are remarkable examples in the world today.