Factors in Learning Process
Learning is very important element in human life from birth to death. Learning can take place in formal and non formal ways, in different situations and places. According to psychologists and educationists the following are the some basic factors involve in learning process.
Willingness The will to learn is different on the basis of individual mental and physical differences. Will or readiness on behalf of a person is the prerequisite in this regard. There must be zeal and will, in a child, to learn the new course. Without willingness no student can go a head in learning process.
Aims one the important factor of learning process is generally directed for specific aims. A student invests huge time and money in educational institutions only for specific objectives and aims. That aims give the student a kind of psychological boost and energy hard work in the learning process.
Motivation The most important factor in learning is motivation. Motivation can only be aroused in a student, when the student sees some definite outcome of the whole process. You study for getting degree, then job, then that job becomes yours identity in social life.
Kinesthetic / Learning practice Practice really contributes in the learning process. The role of the repetition or practice is clear from classical and operant condition experiments, that how repetition play its due role in learning. So there should be practice on regular basis to learn specific skill(s) or subject(s).
Environment factors of learning process Environment also plays its due role in student learning process, because that is environment which enables a student to discover the abilities through formal and informal educational system. That’s why it is said there must be very conducive environment in school. That is good relations between teacher and students and availability of material facilities for creating cordial educational atmosphere.
Parents’ social and economic status Another contributing factor in learning process is the social and economic status of a specific family. When a family has good economic status, the students of that family will have greater degree of facilities than of poor family children. If a student parents are educated, that will have clear direction for the children in learning process. But it is also fact that the students of poor and uneducated also have done great achievements in their life, the status acquired through education.
Emotional factors in learning process The emotional ability of students also plays its due role. Here the more a student is emotionally attached to the learning goal. The more students will be able to show result in learning process. That’s why emotionally balanced students can perform better than disturbed one.
Socio-Cultural background of a country The socio-cultural background of a country also plays its role in learning process. If a country society gives stress on Technical education the majority of the people will go for that kind of education. If a country culture doesn’t gives stress on education, then there will be less literacy rate and less technical skills.
Learning of something is natural to humans and also to animals. The best way to impart learning and to achieve the goals of learning is the natural way. That is the proper methodologies should be followed, especially, teaching to children. A good school and teacher provide all those facilities to students which contribute in the learning process of the students.