Demography and population studies are the same. The study of human population is known as population studies or demography literally speaking, demography is the combination of two Greek words “Demo” means people and “graphy” means to write or draw. So, it is the science of population. Population studies is concerned with the whole study of population. Some scholars have distinguished b/w them. For example; M. Hauser and Duncan have distinguished b/w them and saying that, one is demographic analysis while other is population studies. They point out that the demographic analysis is confined to a study of the components of a population, variation and change while population studies is not concerned only with the components and variables of population but also with the relationships between population changes and other variables like social economic, political, biological, genetic and geographical etc. According to dictionary of demography, the term demography may be sued in a narrow sense as synonymous with demographic analysis, or formal demography. On the other hand, many scholars do not make any distinction between the two terms and argued that the formal distinction is artificial and have no value. They suggested that both are related to the study of human population.