Merwill has pointed out the following characteristics of institutions.
- The first characteristics of Social institutions, these are patterns of behaviour grouped about the central needs of human beings in a society.
- In all societies the institution of family plays an important and central role.
- Social institutions are the social patterns directing human behaviour in the performance of basic activities.
- Social institutions provide better chances for human survival.
- The central aspects of institutions are the, functions and the roles carried out by their members.
- The basic cultural values of a society are embodied in its institutions.
- The claims of the institutions upon the members are known as loyalties.
- The institutions of a society are connected in across and interdependent pattern.
- Institutions are connected through the status and role of the members.
- In personality development institutions play a vital role.
- Social institutions are the great provisions for the transmission of cultural heritage.
- Cultural heritage is thus transmitted through social interaction in an institution.
- The moral values of the society are embodied in its institution.
- One characteristics of social institution is each institution is a center of complex cluster of social norms.