Advantages and Disadvantages of Teacher centered Curriculum
Advantages of Teacher Centered Approach
- As the curriculum is designed by the teacher, it become easy to achieve the desired goals.
- Subject matter become psychologically sound due to its relevance with the interests, needs and level of the children.
- Content/Subject matter is logically arranged. – Irrelevant material/ Subject matter is avoided.
- Teachers feel comfortable and confident in the classroom activities.
- Democracy is encouraged.
- Co-operation is developed.
- Society/Community is also involved (directly or indirectly) in the development of curriculum.
- No objection is raised by the teacher in connection with the availability of sources and resources.
Disadvantages of Teacher Centered Approach
Following limitations may hinder the process.
- A change in the attitude on the part of learners, teachers and community is difficult to develop.
- Lack of sources and resources.
- Hinderance due to rigid administration, planning and management.
- It will become difficult to maintain a common standared in various institutions.
- The existing curriculum for the teaching training institutions is not suitable for the teacher centered approach.
- A drastic change in the examination system/evaluation will be required.