Explain the Relationship between Education and Philosophy
There is an extremely close relationship between education and philosophy. Education is basically a practical performance, and philosophy is a theory or thought. Education, as a matter of fact, is a continuous infinite series of actions. Philosophy is providing theoretical foundation i.e. rational proofs and ideologies for it. It explores and interprets different concepts. In this way it brings before us different viewpoints regarding a thing; and having examined them critically, informs us of their fact and usefulness. There is no aspect of education beyond the reach of philosophy. Philosophy provides guidance about each aspect of education, e.g. what should be the general aim of education? What values should be nourished, and which of the social activities should be discouraged and why? For practical use what means should be practiced? Which educational source is more authentic and dependable? What should be the nature of inter-relation of education and life? What is discipline and administration and how it should be maintained? Should or not a specific theory/concept be inculcated in the minds of children and what is the justification of doing so? Similarly dozens of questions are to be faced in the process of education. The answers to which are provided by philosophy. It is now up to the nature of the question. The philosophy would be in conformity with the question. The duty of the educationists is to provide the practical manifestation of philosophy. It should not be taken for granted that the teachers and educational administrators are engaged only in acting upon theories/advices and they do not contemplate at all. They also think, to some extent, but their contemplation is not as organized and comprehensive as that of a philosopher of education.